Vendor: Pearson EducationCompany & Group Financial Reporting, 10th Edition - Jane Lazar - 9789672864073 - Pearson
- Regular price
- RM82.65
- Regular price
RM95.00 - Sale price
- RM82.65
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9789672864073Company and Group Financial Reporting 10th edition is an update of the 9th edition, enhanced by the inclusion of mind maps for some of the chapters. This 10th edition has retained the objective of providing a clear and thorough exposition of the various aspects of proparing and presenting financial statements... -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA Management Information (MA1) Interactive Text (Valid To End Aug 2025) - 9781035514908- BPP Learning Media
- Regular price
- RM115.52
- Regular price
RM135.90 - Sale price
- RM115.52
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035514908Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from ACCA. They provide flexible options for students and employers, and as an ACCA Approved Content Provider, BPP Learning Media s suite of study tools will provide you with all the accurate and up-to-date material you need for exam success. -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA FIA Managing Costs and Finances (MA2) Interactive Text (Valid To End Aug 2025) - 9781035514915- BPP Learning Media
- Regular price
- RM115.52
- Regular price
RM135.90 - Sale price
- RM115.52
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035514915The aim of this syllabus is to develop a knowledge and understanding of the principles and techniques used in recording, analysing and reporting costs and revenues for internal management purposes. It covers management information, cost recording, costing techniques, decision making and cash management. It builds on a good knowledge of basic... -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA Maintaining Financial Records (FA2) Interactive Text (Valid To End Aug 2025) - 9781035514892- BPP Learning Media
- Regular price
- RM115.52
- Regular price
RM135.90 - Sale price
- RM115.52
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035514892The aim of this syllabus is to develop knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating to Maintaining Financial Records and technical proficiency in the use of double-entry accounting techniques including the preparation of basic financial statements. It builds on a good knowledge of recording financial transactions from FA1... -
Vendor: McGraw Hill EducationFinancial Management for Beginners - Mohd Nizal Haniff - 9789670761466 - McGraw Hill Education
- Regular price
- RM60.03
- Regular price
RM69.00 - Sale price
- RM60.03
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9789670761466The Financial Management for Beginners (5th Edition) is a comprehensive and up-to-date text that has been written primarily to provide a strong foundation for students who are taking their first course in financial management. It may also prove useful to students who are sitting for finance-based professional exam papers and... -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA FIA Foundations in Management Accounting (FMA/MA) Course Book (Valid To End Aug 2025) - 9781035514144 - BPP
- Regular price
- RM161.42
- Regular price
RM189.90 - Sale price
- RM161.42
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035514144The overall aim of the Management Accounting syllabus is to develop knowledge and understanding of management accounting techniques to support management in planning, controlling and monitoring performance in a variety of business contexts.The broad syllabus headings are:A The nature, source and purpose of management informationB Data analysis and statistical techniquesC... -
Vendor: Kaplan PublishingACCA Management Accounting (FMA) Exam Kit (Valid Till June 2025) - 9781839966842 - Kaplan Publishing
- Regular price
- RM100.39
- Regular price
RM112.80 - Sale price
- RM100.39
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781839966842Embark on your journey to ACCA success with Kaplan Publishing’s Foundations Management Accounting Exam Kit. You’ll reinforce your knowledge about how management accounting is used to make and support business decisions. While also understanding the nature, source and purpose of cost accounting.As an ACCA Content Partner, our Exam Kit offers... -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA Managing Costs and Finances (FIA MA2) Practice & Revision Kit (Valid To End Aug 2025) - 9781035514854- BPP Learning Media
- Regular price
- RM76.42
- Regular price
RM89.90 - Sale price
- RM76.42
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035514854The aim of this syllabus is to develop a knowledge and understanding of the principles and techniques used in recording, analysing and reporting costs and revenues for internal management purposes. It covers management information, cost recording, costing techniques, decision making and cash management. It builds on a good knowledge of... -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA Management Information (FIA MA1) Exam Practice Kit (Valid To End Aug 2025) - 9781035514847- BPP Learning Media
- Regular price
- RM76.42
- Regular price
RM89.90 - Sale price
- RM76.42
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035514847The aim of this syllabus is to build a knowledge and understanding of the principles and techniques used in recording, analysing and reporting costs and revenues for internal management purposes. It covers management information, cost recording, costing techniques, source documents and spreadsheets. -
Vendor: BPP Learning MediaACCA Advanced Financial Management (AFM) Exam Practice Kit (Valid Till June 2025) - 9781035513932 - BPP
- Regular price
- RM101.92
- Regular price
RM119.90 - Sale price
- RM101.92
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781035513932The Advanced Financial Management exam requires students to apply relevant knowledge and skills and exercise professional judgement as expected of a senior financial adviser in taking or recommending decisions concerning the financial management of the organisation. The syllabus includes a number of topics which were covered in Financial Management (FM),... -
Vendor: Gerakbudaya新物流秘笈-定制化智能物流聚合平台 - 9789670980645 - SOMO Publishing
- Regular price
- RM51.00
- Regular price
RM60.00 - Sale price
- RM51.00
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9789670980645若在20年前我和你说“物流对国家的进步起着一定的影响力”,你可能会觉得这是无稽之谈。然而在21世纪的今天我告诉你同样的话,你大概会举手赞同。 是的,物流的确对国家的进步起着一定的影响力。 在资讯发达的先进社会里,不管是个人或是企业,我们都依赖着物流所带给我们的便利性,完成日常中的种种事物。物流不但为我们节省了很多的时间,更重要的是,它拉进了城市和乡村之间的距离,也减少了国与国之间合作的限制。当个人或企业间的合作因物流而变得更为便利时,所有事情仿佛都更加如鱼得水,而我们终将不会局限在一个小小的框架内。 所以你说,我为什么会一股脑地投身于物流事业,那是因为我看到了物流的未来。身为一位创业者,我们的目光并不是着重在“当下”,而是应该放眼“未来”。的确,如果做一个大家都在做的领域,可能会简单很多,风险也相对的比较少。然而要知道的是,一个这么多人说好的方案,那必然有很多人在做了,机会也不一定会轮到我们。 当初我决定开始自己的物流创业之路时,在马来西亚这条道路上的本土物流开拓者并不多。常常在没有前辈的指引下我也撞了好多次瘪,吃了好多次亏。让我坚持下去的决心,是我对物流的热情和信念。我坚信物流的未来将创造更美好的马来西亚,而我也希望自己能在这其中尽一份力。这几年一路走来,在Arriival开始小有起色后,我也开始思考,自己是否可以引领大家一起创业呢?再后来,也就是这本《新物流秘笈》现世的时刻了。 撰写《新物流秘笈》的原因,除了是给自己一个交代与回顾,也是为了向投资者、股东、客户、加盟商、合伙人、用户以及公众全面介绍我们——Arriival定制化智能聚合物流平台——这些年的发展历程,以及未来的发展方向。我将透过分享个人以及未来的发展方向。我将透过分享个人以及Arriiva的成长、挑战和经验,让大家更了解Arriival这家企业。当然,我们也会阐明公司的愿景、使命、价值观以及定位。我们希望通过出版这本书,向那些考虑加入我们的人们说明我们所追求的事业,以及加入Arriival定制化智能聚合物流平台的价值和意义。 为了让大家对Arriival有个粗浅的认识,我们还将在《新物流秘笈》内介绍公司 的核心业务、产品和服务,以及我们与客户、合作伙伴甚至于社会的关系。我们将展示本身的战略规划、市场竞争力、创新能力和可持续发展计划,并且展现我们为未来发展所做的准备。 《新物流秘笈》立志于建立一个透明、开放和互信的沟通平台,让大家更好地了解Arriival定制化智能聚合物流平台的运作和管理,并为我们未来的发展提供更多的支持和帮助。我们诚挚地欢迎您的加入和支持,一同创造更加美好的未来。 京瓷公司和日本第二电话电信公司创始人稻盛和夫曾有过一段“稻盛哲学”,这段 名言也一直让我坚持着自己的梦想,越战越勇。今天在这和大家分享,也为我的前言画上一个完美的句号。 “能否成功取决于一个人的热情和信念。做什么事都不成功的人,是因为缺乏热情和执着的信念。他们总是为自己找个适当的借口,自我安慰一番后,很快就放弃了。要想成功,必须朝着既定目标不懈努力、坚韧不拔,不成功决不罢休。” 共勉之。 -
Vendor: Pearson EducationInnovation Management and New Product Development - Paul Trott - 9781292251523 - Pearson
- Regular price
- RM116.67
- Regular price
RM227.00 - Sale price
- RM116.67
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781292251523Explore key concepts of managing innovation and engage with latest developments in the fieldInnovation Management and New Product Development, 7th Edition, by Trott is an established textbook on innovation management, management of technology, new product development and entrepreneurship. It provides an evidence-based approach to managing innovation in a wide range of... -
Vendor: White Press AcademicForest Management And Sustainable Development - Kristofer Gaylord - 9781799600824 - White Press Academic
- Regular price
- RM857.52
- Regular price
RM1,071.90 - Sale price
- RM857.52
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781799600824Forest Management And Sustainable Development - Kristofer Gaylord - 9781799600824 - White Press Academic -
Vendor: McGraw Hill EducationContemporary Management ISE 12th Edition - Jennifer George - 9781264972432 - McGraw Hill
- Regular price
- RM126.15
- Regular price
RM145.00 - Sale price
- RM126.15
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781264972432ISBN: 9781264972432 is an international edition of Contemporary Management 12th Edition by Gareth R. Jones, Jennifer M. George This ISBN is student textbook only. It does not come with online access code. Access code, if required by an instructor, sold separately at another ISBN. The content of International edition is... -
Vendor: Pearson EducationClearances Sale - Managerial Accounting - Ray Garrison - 9781260153132 - McGraw Hill
- Regular price
- RM250.00
- Regular price
RM350.00 - Sale price
- RM250.00
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781260153132As the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions managers must perform within their organizations - plan operations, control activities, and make decisions - and explains what accounting information is necessary for... -
Vendor: SAGE Publications IncClearance Sale - Leadership and Management in Healthcare - Neil Gopee - 9781473965027 - SAGE
- Regular price
- RM141.48
- Regular price
RM188.64 - Sale price
- RM141.48
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781473965027The Third Edition of this best-selling text supports readers on their journey from emerging registered healthcare professional to competent care manager. Action points, case studies, and strong practice guidelines enable readers to understand how leadership and management theory applies to the care delivered in a wide range of care settings.Leadership and Management... -
Vendor: Cengage LearningClearance Sale - Statistics: A Tool for Social Research and Data Analysis - Joseph - 9780357371077 - Cengage Learning
- Regular price
- RM220.89
- Regular price
RM441.78 - Sale price
- RM220.89
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9780357371077Extremely student friendly, Healey's STATISTICS: A TOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH AND DATA ANALYSIS, 11e, equips you with a solid understanding of statistical fundamentals and their practical application to current social issues -- no advanced math knowledge required. The text breaks down even the most complex material to help you master... -
Vendor: Cengage LearningClearance Sale - Financial Management : Theory and Practice - Eugene - 9780357714485 - Cengage
- Regular price
- RM706.99
- Regular price
RM1,413.98 - Sale price
- RM706.99
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9780357714485Gain the understanding of finance you need to make good decisions on the job and advance in your career, whether you work in finance or any other business discipline. Brigham/Ehrhardt�s FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 17E emphasizes key theoretical concepts, equipping you with practical tools for effective decision making. This... -
Vendor: Pearson EducationIntroduction to Materials Management, Global Edition - Steve Chapman - 9781292162355 - Pearson
- Regular price
- RM268.83
- Regular price
RM309.00 - Sale price
- RM268.83
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781292162355For all courses in Materials Management, Production, Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities.Understand all elements of production planning and control, and how they fit together with Introduction to Materials Management.Clearly written and exceptionally user-friendly, this text covers all... -
Vendor: Pearson EducationModern Database Management, Global Edition - Jeff Hoffer - 9781292263359 - Pearson
- Regular price
- RM247.95
- Regular price
RM285.00 - Sale price
- RM247.95
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9781292263359For courses in database management.A comprehensive text on the latest in database developmentFocusing on what leading database practitioners say are the most important aspects to database development, Modern Database Management presents sound pedagogy and topics that are critical for the practical success of database professionals. The 13th Edition updates and...