Vendor: Gerakbudaya1515 - Faisal Tehrani - 9789670311548 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM25.50
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RM30.00 - Sale price
- RM25.50
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ISBN: 9789670311548"Hanya kanda sebagai sejarawan dapat membantu hamba untuk membetulkan semula jurusan sejarah yang memang salah lni," Melalui utusan surat dari masa lalu , Nyemah Mulya, pahlawan perempuan 15 tahun, meminta pertolongan seorang sejarawan untuk memastikan kerajaan Melaka tidak jatuh ke tangan Portugis. Sekiranya tidak, sejarawan tersebut akan terpupus dari susur... -
Vendor: Gerakbudaya2024 龙年运程指南:新天时九运大局观 - 拿督郑博见 DAC - 拿督郑博见 - 9789670980652 - SOMO
- Regular price
- RM15.30
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RM18.00 - Sale price
- RM15.30
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ISBN: 97896709806522023癸卯年也是八运的最后一年,拿督郑博见曾经无数次都说过,在迎接九运来临前,大家都必须做好准备,因为一定会发生激烈、迅速的改变,果不其然,2023年是动荡的年份,我们可以看见在后疫情时期,这个世界正剧烈的发生变化。 在2023年,气候出现猛烈的变化,多个地区不是出现极炎气候,就是极寒的天气,只要稍一不慎就会让自身健康受到影响,甚至会影响到国家的收成、建设、未来发展等等。 古人有说:“温故而知新。”当我们回头总结过去的经验和教训时,更多时候其实是我们在展望着未来,希望能借助以前学习到的,让未来的生活越来越好。 2024甲辰年,为换甲之年,民间自古以来有“ 甲辰年‘青龙得位,十谋九成’”的谚语。“青龙得位,十谋九成”的意思是,在“青龙得位” 这一年,人们受到青龙力量的影响,几乎所有计划都能成功。 人们常说,成功离不开“天时地利人和”三大要素的完美结合,既然“青龙得位”提供了天时之利,我们就要把握好大运流年的时机,只要我们踏实肯干,努力追求目标,配合对的策略和方向,就能让计划如愿实现,达到预期成绩。 拿督郑博见希望每一位翻开此书的读者,能在龙年的帮助下,激发活力与能量,无论你是在生肖上刑冲太岁,又或者在五行上与甲辰年有相克作用,这本书的内容都能让你们怀抱着勇气和智慧,面对每一次的挫折与挑战,并将之转化成前进的动力。过程中能不断的完善自我,蜕变成更坚强和成熟的自己! -
Vendor: Gerakbudaya2024年马来西亚华人民俗研究论文集 - 9786297575223 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM42.50
- Regular price
RM50.00 - Sale price
- RM42.50
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ISBN: 9786297575223书介:作为移民社会,移民的历史过程中,生活习俗也随之转迁,并融合在地元素,形成有别于原乡之发展。这种同中见其异,异中有大同的文化习俗,尤能展现台马社会文化及民俗在地化特色。本论文集汇整马来西亚及两岸三地学者的最新研究成果,透过比较视野发掘华人社会的多样性及文化交融的华美可贵。主编简介:陈琮渊,淡江大学历史学系助理教授兼东南亚史研究室主持人。曾任华侨大学国际关系学院/华侨华人研究院副教授兼印尼研究中心主任、参编《华侨华人文献学刊》《华侨华人蓝皮书》。目前担任洪叶文化“亚太与国际研究丛书”主编、巨流“发展研究丛书”执行编辑,Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives(《海外华人研究》)执行编辑。研究领域是东(南)亚史与婆罗洲华人社会,学术文章数十篇、编著译书十多部。廖文辉,马来西亚人,祖籍福建安溪。国立台湾大学历史系毕,马来亚大学中文研究所硕士,中国厦门大学历史学博士。现为马来西亚新纪元大学学院东南亚学系、中文系教授、马来西亚历史研究中心主任、华侨大学华侨华人文献资料研究中心兼职研究员。研究领域为东南亚史和华侨华人。著有《马新史学研究的发展与嬗变(1800-1969)》(2022)、《马来西亚:多元共生的赤道国度》(2019)、《许云樵评传》(2014)、《马新史学80年——从南洋研究到华人研究(1930-2009)》(2011)、《华校教总及其人物(1951-2005)》(2006)、《华教历史与人物论集》(2006)等。 -
Vendor: GerakbudayaA HAKKA SAGA / DR. HEENIE LEE - 9789671809501- Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM40.80
- Regular price
RM48.00 - Sale price
- RM40.80
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ISBN: 9789671809501Dr.Heenie Lee has a sharp eye for detail and a keen ear for dialogue. The anecdotes as related to him by his mother are delightful, a veritable treasure trove of Chinese beliefs and customs. He makes the past come alive through them and in the process is leaving a wonderful... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaA Journey of Adventure: My Life In The Royal Malaysian Air Force - Abdul Ghani - 9789670067117 - ILHAM Books
- Regular price
- RM59.50
- Regular price
RM70.00 - Sale price
- RM59.50
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ISBN: 9789670067117“A fascinating journey, well documented with precision and absolute detail. The thinking of the writer was clearly and candidly expressed for every move he made. The journey for the writer in the RMAF was not without major challenges. With the perseverance and love for flying and the Air Force, he... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaA New Home for Oyen - Lim Loo Thoe - 9786299902508 - Bippity Bop Productions
- Regular price
- RM29.75
- Regular price
RM35.00 - Sale price
- RM29.75
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ISBN: 9786299902508This story is inspired by a stray ginger cat who was abandoned outside the zoo during the pandemic of 2020. It is written in rhyme to help young children who are learning to read.Abandoned outside the zoo, Oyen had to find a place to call home before nightfall. Follow Oyen... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaAbandoned Gods - Tan Jit Seng - 9789670311951 - Gerakbudaya Enterprise
- Regular price
- RM32.30
- Regular price
RM38.00 - Sale price
- RM32.30
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ISBN: 9789670311951Abandoned Gods tells the story of Nira, a young woman trekking the dark interiors of Sarawak with a sick child on her back to get to Kuching General Hospital, a hundred kilometres away. On the way, she meets a whole host of demons, spirits, ghouls and ghosts, and gets a... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaActs Of Resistance : Dol Said And The Naning War - Shaun Adam - 9789670311715 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM25.50
- Regular price
RM30.00 - Sale price
- RM25.50
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- per
ISBN: 9789670311715A new retelling of the “Million Dollar War” When British colonists first arrived in Malaya, they considered Naning, a small village about 30 miles from Malacca, to be under their jurisdiction. The incumbent penghulu of Naning, Dol Said, resisted, claiming that Naning was an independent sovereign state with its own... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaAinis Railway Odyssey - Nooraini Mydin - 9789670311265 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM34.00
- Regular price
RM40.00 - Sale price
- RM34.00
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ISBN: 9789670311265In this beautifully illustrated book, Nooraini Mydin grabs you by the hand and takes you with her on a madcap rail adventure through 10 countries. She sleeps alongside 53 passengers in the open carriage of the Trans-Siberian train, traversing Siberia to take in the stunning views of Lake Baikal. She... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaARTSCIENCE: A CURIOUS EDUCATION - Clarissa Ai Ling Lee - 9789670311739 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM19.55
- Regular price
RM23.00 - Sale price
- RM19.55
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ISBN: 9789670311739In this book of short essays, paired with accompanying exercises, Clarissa Lee explores the concept and practice of artscience, which provides a bridge beyond the illusory division of art and science into "two cultures". Artscience transcends disciplinary identification, and yet it is derived from how art and science meet and... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaAutism in Short: A Handbook for Parents - Dr. Subhashini Jayanath - 9789670311241 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM21.25
- Regular price
RM25.00 - Sale price
- RM21.25
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ISBN: 9789670311241This book is not intended as a textbook. It is a brief guide on autism spectrum disorder for parents of young children. -
Vendor: GerakbudayaBe Kind, Rewind - Of Prophecies, Pusaka and Patricians - Farah Liyana - 9789672621416 - Mythologie Resources
- Regular price
- RM72.25
- Regular price
RM85.00 - Sale price
- RM72.25
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ISBN: 9789672621416"Accepting a displeasing future is just as bad as creating it."A story of time traveling, atonement, and prophecies, set in a world inspired by Malaysia’s complex history and mystical creatures, Be Kind, Rewind revolves around superior beings called Anak Permata and how their existence caused imminent conflicts between different communities... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaBeguiled on Larut Hills - Liew Suet Fun - 9789671142127 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM68.00
- Regular price
RM80.00 - Sale price
- RM68.00
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9789671142127Atop the southern end of Bintang Range, about 20 kilometres from the north-western shoreline of Peninsular Malaysia, is Larut Hills. It is a 6,878-hectare forest reserve spanning lowland, hill dipterocarp, oak-laurel and montane forests, whose citizenry include rare plants, enchanting fauna and the human residents of Maxwell’s Hill, a hill... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaBukan PhD Beli - Mohamed Hadi A.H - 9789670067094 - ILHAM Books
- Regular price
- RM32.30
- Regular price
RM38.00 - Sale price
- RM32.30
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- per
ISBN: 9789670067094PhD ini bukan hasil 'sailang-menyailang dan kerat-mengerat serta salin-menyalin, PhD ini dirangkul dengan keringat sendiri. Segala usaha demi menggenggam PhD dilakukan sendiri tanpa 'campur tangan' sesiapa. Setiap langkah yang diambil perlu diambil dengan berjaga-jaga tanpa terpalit dengan segala ketoksidan. Sebagai seorang pengurus di institusi kewangan Islam: yang bekerja sepenuh masa... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaBuku Adat Dan Pantang Larang Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia - Dolah Tekoi - 9789670311463 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM29.75
- Regular price
RM35.00 - Sale price
- RM29.75
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- per
ISBN: 9789670311463Adat merupakan lambang kekuatan atau identiti bagi sesebuah bangsa. Kekuatan pegangan amalan adat sesuatu kaum akan menjadikan kaum itu terus dihormati kerana mempunyai prinsip yang teguh untuk meneruskan kelangsungan bangsanya. Jadi pelbagai cara dan pendekatan harus dibuat supaya semua amalan baik dapat dikekalkan pada masa hadapan, di samping dapat menonjolkan... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaBumi - Benz Ali - 9789670076485 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM32.30
- Regular price
RM38.00 - Sale price
- RM32.30
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- per
Vendor: GerakbudayaClass, Race and Colonialism in Peninsular Malaysia - Micheal Stenson - 9789672165118 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM34.00
- Regular price
RM40.00 - Sale price
- RM34.00
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9789672165118In Class, Race and Colonialism in Peninsular Malaysia: A Political History of Malaysian Indians, Michael Stenson offers the authoritative political history of ethnic Indians in colonial and early post-colonial Malaya. Rejecting the plural society approach, he discusses relevant aspects of the political economy of colonial Malaya, including its class structure,... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaColourful Monsters: Bring To Life, Your Colourful Goals - Janet Lim - 9786299938606 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM38.25
- Regular price
RM45.00 - Sale price
- RM38.25
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- per
ISBN: 9786299938606This book is divided into five topics − Mentoring, Motivating, Improving, For Him, For Her, inclusive of guide. Topics on Mentoring can benefit teenagers, young adults, educators and parents. Topics on Motivating can benefit family, siblings and colleagues. Topics on Improving can benefit business owners, professionals and achievers. ‘For Him’... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaCosmic - Anastasia Bell - 9789671731932 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM29.75
- Regular price
RM35.00 - Sale price
- RM29.75
- Unit price
- per
ISBN: 9789671731932Cosmic is a screenplay that blends drama and romance with a touch of timeless magic, using engaging conversations along with brief yet vivid descriptions. By incorporating the essence of comics through its dialogue, the story aims to create a clear and captivating picture in readers' minds. She dedicates this book... -
Vendor: GerakbudayaCULTURAL MAPPING : A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING PLACE, COMMUNITY AND CONTINUITY - Janet Pillai - 9789672165828 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM38.25
- Regular price
RM45.00 - Sale price
- RM38.25
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- per
ISBN: 9789672165828Cultural mapping is an approach to recording and revealing an integrated picture of cultural character, significance and workings of a place. The second edition of Janet Pillai’s book contains everything you need to know about this process, and how to plan and begin your own projects. “This guide on Cultural...