Vendor: GerakbudayaMusings of a Common Man: Growing Up in Malaysia - Khong Kim Hoong - 9789672683445 - Pusat Sejarah Rakyat
- Regular price
- RM51.00
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RM60.00 - Sale price
- RM51.00
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ISBN: 9789672683445"Contrary to this book's title, Musings of a Common Man, Khong Kim Hoang is no common man. Nor is the book merely of his musings. Instead, most of this volume consists of his memoirs, organised by periods, occasionally highlighting significant episodes. He belongs to the one per cent of his... -
Vendor: Penguin BooksShattered Hopes - Romen Bose - 9789815127911 - Penguin Books
- Regular price
- RM67.96
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RM79.95 - Sale price
- RM67.96
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ISBN: 9789815127911Drawing on interviews with first-hand sources in and outside the administration, official minutes and still classified documents, Shattered Hopes focuses on PH1.0’s rocky 22-months in power to tell the story of how a fledgling Government filled with so much promise and hope, was racked by internal power struggles and politicking... -
Vendor: SIRDKerajaan : Budaya Politik Melayu di Ambang Pemerintahan Kolonial - 9789670960265 - SIRD
- Regular price
- RM40.80
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RM48.00 - Sale price
- RM40.80
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ISBN: 978967096026511Sebuah kajian perintis dan provokatif tentang pemikiran politik Melayu di ambang pemerintahan kolonial – berdasarkan sumber-sumber Melayu dan Eropah, dan mengetengahkan isu-isu yang terus menjadi kritikal di Malaysia pada hari ini. Dengan memberi tumpuan kepada semenanjung Tanah Melayu dan Sumatra Utara, Kerajaan adalah buku yang bersifat inovatif pada pendekatannya –... -
Vendor: Dorling KindersleyHow Politics Works : The Concepts Visually Explained - DK - 9780241515761 - Dorling Kindersley Ltd
- Regular price
- RM93.46
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RM109.95 - Sale price
- RM93.46
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ISBN: 9780241515761Discover everything you need to know about political history and thought, and the inner workings of governments all around the globe! Combining clear, jargon-free language and bold, eye-catching graphics, How Politics Works is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to all aspects of politics. Covering everything from political theory to methods... -
Vendor: Princeton University PressThe Muqaddimah : An Introduction to History - Ibn Khaldun - 9780691166285 - Princeton University Press
- Regular price
- RM91.80
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RM108.00 - Sale price
- RM91.80
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ISBN: 9780691166285The Muqaddimah, often translated as "Introduction" or "Prolegomenon," is the most important Islamic history of the premodern world. Written by the great fourteenth-century Arab scholar Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), this monumental work established the foundations of several fields of knowledge, including the philosophy of history, sociology, ethnography, and economics. The... -
Vendor: Tuttle PublishingThe Real Musashi: The Manga Edition: The True Story Of Japan's Greatest Warrior - Kozo Kaku - 9784805317969 - Tuttle Publishing
- Regular price
- RM49.30
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RM58.00 - Sale price
- RM49.30
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ISBN: 9784805317969The true story of MIYAMOTO MUSASHI, Japan's greatest swordsman — told in exciting manga form! Miyamoto Musashi was undefeated throughout his long career as a fighter and became even more famous later in life as the author of The Book of Five Rings—the bible of Japanese military strategy that... -
Vendor: Scribe PublicationsNew Cold Wars - David Sanger - 9781915590817 - Scribe Publications
- Regular price
- RM110.42
- Regular price
RM129.90 - Sale price
- RM110.42
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ISBN: 9781915590817In War, Professor Margaret MacMillan explores the deep links between society and war and the questions they raise. We learn when war began - whether among early homo sapiens or later, as we began to organise ourselves into tribes and settle in communities. We see the ways in which war... -
Vendor: Headline PublishingHiroshima - MG Sheftall - 9781035422692 - Headline Press
- Regular price
- RM97.67
- Regular price
RM114.90 - Sale price
- RM97.67
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ISBN: 9781035422692'a master class in eyewitness storytelling . . . this gripping narrative chronicles one of history's darkest nightmare moments' - Annie Jacobsen, author of Nuclear War: A ScenarioThe stories of hibakusha - Japanese for atomic bomb survivors - lie at the heart of this compelling minute-by-minute account of 6 August 1945 - the... -
Vendor: Bloomsbury PublishingThe Golden Road - William Dalrymple - 9781408864425 - Bloomsbury Publishing
- Regular price
- RM97.67
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RM114.90 - Sale price
- RM97.67
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ISBN: 9781408864425For most of its modern history, India was fated to be on the receiving end of cultural influence from other civilisations. But this isn't the complete story. A full millennium earlier, India's major cultural exports – religion, art, technology, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, language and literature – were shaping civilisations, travelling... -
Vendor: Hodder & StoughtonWestlessness: Global Rebalancing - Samir Puri - 9781399722643 - Hodder & Stoughton
- Regular price
- RM84.92
- Regular price
RM99.90 - Sale price
- RM84.92
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ISBN: 9781399722643Paperback. Condition: new. Paperback. What if the sun truly is setting on the Western world's outsized influence over the rest of the planet? In the wake of Donald Trump's re-election, Westlessness, by former UK diplomat Dr Samir Puri is essential reading. He vividly demonstrates how in demographic, economic, military and... -
Vendor: WH AllenWest: A New History Of An Old Idea - Naoise Sweeney - 9780753558935 - WH Allen
- Regular price
- RM75.57
- Regular price
RM88.90 - Sale price
- RM75.57
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ISBN: 9780753558935“A bold, sweeping bird’s eye view of thousands of years of history that provides a truly global perspective of the past. A fantastic achievement.”—Peter Frankopan, internationally bestselling author of The Silk Roads Prize-winning historian Naoíse Mac Sweeney delivers a captivating exploration of how “Western Civilization”—the concept of a single cultural... -
Vendor: SIRD友谊村的述说: 下山后的口述历史 | 黄诗杰与默理·汉特 - 9786297575391 - SIRD
- Regular price
- RM34.00
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RM40.00 - Sale price
- RM34.00
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ISBN: 9786297575391这是一个关于12名年轻人的故事。他们出生在一个年轻的国家——马来西亚,并将在如今的家园——泰国南部,讲述属于自己的故事。 若你今日在街头询问马来西亚人有关马来亚共产党的问题,许多人或许会给出与历史教科书和考试答案一致的回应。公众大多了解该党早年间抗击日本占领的事迹,以及在1948年至1960年马来亚紧急状态期间的游击活动。 然而,另一些年轻人的经历却鲜为人知。在20世纪60年代末至70年代中期,新经济政策、五一三种族暴乱,以及马来亚共产党的斗争(1968年至1989年)交织的历史背景下,他们选择离开安逸的生活,投身于共产主义运动。 时至今日,这些幸存者已在泰国南部的“友谊村”安家。他们将亲口讲述那段马来西亚历史中被遗忘的篇章。 -
Vendor: GerakbudayaLibraries and the Development of Civilizations (New Edition) - Syed Hussein Alatas - 9789670076553 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM17.00
- Regular price
RM20.00 - Sale price
- RM17.00
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ISBN: 9789670076553Title: Libraries and the Development of Civilizations (New Edition)Author: Syed Hussein AlatasPublisher: GerakbudayaISBN: 9789670076553Libraries and the Development of Civilizations is an essay by the late renowned Malaysian social theorist and professor, Syed Hussein Alatas. His last piece of writing before his passing in 2007, this slim volume contains his thoughts... -
Vendor: SIRD林吉祥: 马来西亚人为先(第二部:奋战到底)- 9786297575346 - SIRD
- Regular price
- RM68.00
- Regular price
RM80.00 - Sale price
- RM68.00
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ISBN: 9786297575346本书延续了林吉祥的一生以及他长达56年政治生涯的记述。身兼剧作家和新闻从业员的作者纪传财衔接了《第一部》的悬念结尾,继续为我们带来一个情节复杂、感人至深、充满戏剧性转折,甚至夹杂着欢笑与喜悦的故事。贯穿全篇的,是林吉祥为追寻他的“马来西亚之梦”而展现的顽强毅力。他毕生的愿景就是建立一个团结、民主、繁荣的国家,让每一位公民都能有机会实现自我价值,获得成功。我们将在本书看到林吉祥如何为了实现这个梦想,毅然放下深刻的政治分歧,宽恕那些曾不公地对待他及儿子,甚至给他们带来痛苦与折磨的政敌。此外,我们也将看到,当林吉祥与那些企图分裂国家、窃取人民利益和破坏法治的势力作斗争之际,他挚爱的妻子和孩子们发挥了不可或缺的作用,为他提供了源源不断的支持与力量。没有林吉祥的政治斗争和牺牲,没有他对“马来西亚之梦” 的追求不懈,今天的马来西亚将截然不同。正如本传记所展示,林吉祥在漫长的政治生涯中,始终不渝地证明了他对国家和人民的真挚关怀,同时也展现出他作为一位远见卓识的领袖,如何超越时代,塑造未来。 -
Vendor: SIRD马来西亚华人史( 廖文辉著)- 9786297575278 - SIRD
- Regular price
- RM55.25
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RM65.00 - Sale price
- RM55.25
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- per
ISBN: 9786297575278《马来西亚华人史》共三篇十三章,外加绪论和参考文献,约二十二万字。全书按照时序论述,以重要历史发展为分水岭来切分。19世纪以前为第一篇,19世纪至1945年日本无条件投降为第二篇,战后至2020年为第三篇。全书内容在“通”,不在“专”与“详”,故略于细节的描述而重于通识的掌握与历史意义的探索。各篇依据通史书写体例分为政治、经济、社会和文化各章加以展开。政治则在论述维新革命、国民党共产党、海峡华人间的政治分合,以及战后华人政治认同的转向,马华公会之盛衰。经济则强调华人如何从中盘商转而进入种植、采矿、工业等领域,崛起为国家的重要经济力量,以及其后所面临的政策打压和求存之道。社会则遍及会党、社团、宗教和村镇之发展。文化则举凡教育、文学、艺术、学术、报章和民俗皆在论述之范围。 -
Vendor: GerakbudayaIran and the Nusantara - Abdoolreza Alami - 9789670076461 - Gerakbudaya
- Regular price
- RM51.00
- Regular price
RM60.00 - Sale price
- RM51.00
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ISBN: 9789670076461What does the nation of Iran and the Nusantara region have in common? Plenty, according to the participants of the conference, Iran and the Malay World: Historical and Contemporary Relations, and the Future, held in October 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, which discussed the linked history, contemporary ties, and future prospects... -
Vendor: UM PressTun Abdul Razak – Imagining Malaysia’s Future through His Lenses - 9789674883591 - UM Press
- Regular price
- RM84.15
- Regular price
RM99.00 - Sale price
- RM84.15
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ISBN: 9789674883591Following independence of Malaya in 1957 and the formation of Malaysia in 1963 its future looked good owing to massive exports of tin and rubber, a good education system, and healthcare system left by the British, though the latter two were largely concentrated in urban locations. However, the divide and... -
Vendor: Bloomsbury PublishingArabs and Israelis: Conflict and peacemaking in the Middle East 2nd Edition - Abdel Monem Said Aly - 9781350321380 - Bloomsbury
- Regular price
- RM226.22
- Regular price
RM266.14 - Sale price
- RM226.22
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ISBN: 9781350321380Lasting over 120 years, the Arab-Israeli conflict involves divergent narratives about history, national identities, land ownership, injustices and victimhood. Domestic forces and actors as well as international and regional dynamics have ensured the conflict's durability.A distinguished team of authors comprising an Israeli, a Palestinian and an Egyptian present a broader... -
Vendor: BloomsburyA History of Popular Culture in Japan - Taylor Atkins - 9781350195929 - Bloomsbury
- Regular price
- RM128.52
- Regular price
RM151.19 - Sale price
- RM128.52
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ISBN: 9781350195929The phenomenon of 'Cool Japan' is one of the distinctive features of global popular culture of the millennial age. A History of Popular Culture in Japan provides the first historical and analytical overview of popular culture in Japan from its origins in the 17th century to the present day, using... -
Vendor: BloomsburyTaliban: The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond - Ahmed Rashid - 9780755647101 - Bloomsbury
- Regular price
- RM82.23
- Regular price
RM96.74 - Sale price
- RM82.23
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ISBN: 9780755647101A #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFollowing the U.S-Taliban peace deal of February 2020 - and the U.S's promised withdrawal from Afghanistan - the Taliban began terrorizing Afghan security forces, civilians and the government in Kabul. By August 2021, the group had seized control of the entire country.Taliban is a New York Times bestseller...