Modern Control Systems, Global Edition - Richard Dorf - 9781292422374 - Pearson Education

Modern Control Systems, Global Edition - Richard Dorf - 9781292422374 - Pearson Education

ISBN: 9781292422374
Publisher: Pearson Education
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Format: Paperback
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Product Description

For courses in Control Theory.
Progressively develop students problem-solving skills through an integrated design and analysis approach to real-world engineering problemsModern Control Systems presents the structure of feedback control theory and provides a sequence of exciting discoveries as students proceed through the text and problems. Written to be equally useful for all engineering disciplines, this text is organised around the concepts of control systems theory in the context of frequency and time domains. It provides coverage of both classical and modern methods of control engineering to give students a strong foundation in basic principles that they can utilise to explore advanced topics in later chapters.Emphasis is placed on real-world complex control systems and practical design applications as well as evolving design strategies like green engineering and human-centered design. Problem solving is strongly emphasised, with an abundance of problems of increasing complexity that help students learn to apply theory to computer-aided design and analysis concepts using MATLAB and LabVIEW MathScript. The 14th Edition incorporates over 20% new or updated problems, with a total of over 980 end-of-chapter exercises, problems, advanced problems, design problems, and computer problems.

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