Who Says You Cant? You Do - Daniel Chidiac - 9781473688353 - Hodder & Stoughton

Who Says You Cant? You Do - Daniel Chidiac - 9781473688353 - Hodder & Stoughton

ISBN: 9781473688353
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
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Format: Paperback
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Product Description

Do you want to change your life? Well, who says you cant? Would you be surprised to learn that the only person stopping you achieving what you want in life is yourself? Why do you think there are so few people living their dream and millions of others slipping further away from theirs with every day that passes?Daniel Chidiacs writing has touched millions of people worldwide and helps to transform thousands of lives daily. By opening Who Says You Cant? You Do, you embark on a psychological and emotional journey that will unlock your true potential.This challenging and extraordinarily rewarding book is the ultimate guide to discovering the fulfilment you have been searching for your whole life.Who Says You Cant? You Do is a psychological and emotional journey that will help you overcome your self-doubts and unlock your true potential through 7 steps that cover self-discovery, energy, achievement, relationships and physical health.

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