岁月吼声 The Roar Of Time - Tan Ee Long - 9786299785606 - Tan Ee Long

岁月吼声 The Roar Of Time - Tan Ee Long - 9786299785606 - Tan Ee Long

ISBN: 9786299785606
Publisher: Tan Ee Long
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Format: Hardback
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Product Description

摄影记者及本书作者陈弈龙一路走来,以相机为笔,记录着每一场街头示威,每一张照片都记录下日期、地点以及历史事件,看到照片如同回到当时的情景。这些年来拍摄了大量作品,然而随着年龄增长,记忆有些模糊,因此觉得是时候将这些历史轨迹、难忘的经历、多年的摄影心得与经验,结集成书,分享予更多人。 陈弈龙希望这本书以及当中的照片,对他日有意研究国内示威集会的有心者,提供一些可参阅的“文献与图献”,只要能有一些贡献,心感欣慰。

This book entitled “The Roar of Time” chronicles the street movements and demonstrations in Malaysia at the beginning of the 21st century. It took the author, Tan Ee Long over 20 years to complete it. The book is worth reading, appreciating and collecting because it is not only my memory but also the history of an era.
It records about 56 rallies with more than 100 photographs featuring the street movements spanning the ruling of Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Rakyat, Pakatan Harapan, Perikatan Nasional government, and the current Kerajaan Perpaduan. It also captured the first regime change of the Federal Government in Malaysia, with many precious photos witnessing the nation’s history. The value of these photos could not be measured with dollars and cents. He participated in most of the demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur personally. And he has aged into a middle-aged man from a youth during the process.
Tan Ee Long use his camera as his pen, and the photos are his diaries. It captured every street demonstration, and each image recorded the date, location, and historical events. Over the years, he has photographed a lot of works, but his memory is slowly fading as he grows older. He decided to compile these historical trajectories, unforgettable experiences, and years of insights and lessons into a book and share it with more people.
Tan Ee Long hopes this book and the photos will provide documentation for those interested in studying Malaysia’s demonstrations and rallies in the future, and glad to have made a small contribution on this.
There are not many 20 years in a person’s life. He hopes this photo book has a significant meaning to the history of Malaysia.

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