Tuttle Compact Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen - 9780804845175 - Tuttle Publishing

Tuttle Compact Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen - 9780804845175 - Tuttle Publishing

ISBN: 9780804845175
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
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Format: Paperback
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Product Description

This compact and user-friendly Indonesian to English and English to Indonesian dictionary is the most comprehensive available today for English speakers. The Tuttle Compact Indonesian Dictionary is a totally new bidirectional dictionary which provides English speakers with the very latest and most concise definitions for all commonly-used Indonesian words and phrases, including thousands of new terms that have been created in the past several years. It constitutes a vast improvement over all existing Indonesian dictionaries and is ideal for students, translators and teachers, as well as for use as a general reference dictionary. It can be used for travel and is also a great way to learn Indonesian as part of a course. Covering over 30,000 words and expressions in a single compact volume, this dictionary provides detailed and in-depth treatment of all Indonesian language items. It includes a wide variety of new entries and collocations, cultural references, and sample sentences to illustrate precisely the meaning of each word. Common colloquial phrases and expressions which are not easily understood are also included. Special attention is given to verb forms, which are marked transitive or intransitive, with examples given as to their correct use. This Indonesian dictionary: Contains over 30,000 unique entries. Indonesian-English and English-Indonesian sections. Features colloquial expressions and newly-coined terms. Is the most comprehensive Indonesian dictionary available for English speakers.

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